Bishop Adam Bondaruk committed suicide


Famous Pentecostal Bishop Adam Bondaruk, former senior pastor of the Bethany Slavic Missionary Church in Sacramento, California, died an awful death – he committed suicide.


Slavic Sacramento got a report on this at the Sacramento County Coroner’s office.

For a long time, Bondaruk headed the Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith of America, which he founded.

According to a coroner’s office investigation, “the decedent was a 79-year-old male that died at his residence. On August 14, 2022, he was found hanging by a cable in his backyard. An investigation was completed which resulted in no concerns for suspicious circumstances or foul play. Based on the circumstances and cause of death, the manner is listed as Suicide.”

The investigation indicates that the identification of the bishop was made by fingerprints collection.

Adam Bondaruk was buried at the Bellview cemetery near the Bethany Church on August 20, 2022.

Early in 2020, Bondaruk contracted coronavirus and was hospitalized. At the same time Sacramento County health officials discovered that seventy-one members of the Bethany Slavic Missionary Church or people associated with congregation, who have been afflicted with the Covid-19, making this one of the larger outbreak clusters in the country in the beginning of the pandemic.

As Slavic Sacramento previously reported, in 2015, one of Bishop Bondaruk’s sons, Pyotr Bondaruk, received a 6-year sentence in federal prison for real estate fraud. As of today, he is in prison in the state of Georgia.

adam bondaruk coroner

It’s worth noting that in the circles of Slavic Pentecostalism in the USA, Adam Bondaruk is considered a kind of spiritual guru, the father of Slavic Pentecostalism. At the same time, according to the doctrine of the Pentecostals, the soul of a suicide goes straight to hell.

Adam Bondaruk was born in 1942 in the village of Senyavka, Volyn region of Ukraine, where he later became a pastor of the Pentecostal church. From 1973 to 1988, the Bondaruk family lived in the Estonian SSR, where Bondaruk led the Pentecostal church in the city of Kohtla-Jarve. In 1989, the Bondaruks family with 10 children and bishop’s parents migrated to the USA, to the state of Massachusetts, and then to California to the city of Sacramento, where the family currently lives.

Ruslan Gurzhiy,