A unique application for truckers has been developed


The profession of truck driver is becoming more demanded in the United States. It allows to earn stable income, support family, see very different corners of America, and in addition does not require long training.

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However, novice drivers may face a number of difficulties. Truck driving is greatly different from car driving technique. Besides, long-distance driving in unfamiliar areas is full of various surprises. Because of unfamiliar road interchanges, unexpected repair works, unforeseen accidents and traffic jams the drivers may be knocked out of the assigned schedule, and unfortunately not all companies are willing to treat that with understanding.

In order to maximally ease the trucker’s driving experience, a unique startup Ezlogz was developed. It’s a special application with a built-in scheduler- Trucker Trip Planner. The application can most accurately calculate the estimated time of arrival in real time. When calculating Ezlogz takes into account various aspects of the trip, for instance the current situation on the rout, working hours of the truck driver, rest breaks the driver needs, speed limits and current weather conditions. Thus, the trucker is always able to accurately predict when he will arrive at the destination.

Moreover, the application allows not only to calculate, but also to plan the rout in a way to most efficiently save time, money and resources, making the trip much more predictable, safe and logical. Ezlogz not only helps drivers to find their way, but also is a social platform that allows interaction with other truckers, family and friends, instantly store and retrieve important documents and even scan them, share videos and photos, etc.

At the same time, the Ezlogz application is extremely user-friendly, and is developed in several languages specifically to help immigrant drivers to adapt to American roads. Aside from the English one, there are versions of Ezlogz in Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish and French languages. To install the application no long-term annual contracts are required and the monthly payment for using the product is not high at all.

Another advantage of Ezlogz that worth mentioning is the huge quantity of useful information provided by the application. In addition to the maps that allow to plan the trip, it provides data on spare parts stores, car washes and car dealerships, available parking lots, gas stations and gas prices and even … the maps of attractions and sights of interests located along the route. In short, Ezlogz is truly the new and currently a unique product designed to maximally ease the life of the truckers.

You can download the application from the Apple Store or from Google Play for Android.

Ksenya Kirilova