Residents of Sacramento protest against toughening of vaccination laws


Majority of Slavic residents of Sacramento gathered at Capitol building to support the protest against mandatory vaccination in California State. Recalling, that in late March Democratic Senator Richard Pan with the support of the physicians’ lobby of the State, introduced a bill to combat fraudulent exemptions from vaccinations that put children and the whole society at risk.

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Local activists and politicians delivered speeches during the protest at the steps of the main legislative body of California.

”Everything that happens hear is against to what America is built on: freedom, humans’ right to choose what person wants for himself” – told Vladimir Musorivski, an immigrant from Moldova, representative of Slavic Public Association in the interview to “Slavic Sacramento”.

According to Musorovski, the recent activities of Californian law makers are an attempt to drive people into the bondage of the State.

The protestors also presented a disabled child to the audience, whose parents suspect child’s illness was a side effect of vaccinations.

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Meanwhile, a petition addressed to the President Trump with the request to stop compulsory vaccinations in the USA was published on the website of the White House. According to the author of the petition, with acceptance of the law on mandatory vaccinations the State restricts the rights of Americans to freedom.

The petition did not meet the required goal of 100,000 signatures and was closed.

Meanwhile, the administration of New York State, where measles outbreak had spread in the crowded communities of Orthodox Jews, made a decision to ban the appearance of unvaccinated children at public places. The implementation of this law was suspended by local court, but soon local authorities announced the toughening of punishment for parents, bringing their unvaccinated children to public places. Violation of this provision now faces a fine of $1,000, instead of previously announced $500.

Last Wednesday, the administration of the UC Davis Medical Center reported on the possible infection with measles of 200 people, who visited the emergency room.